Lyrics of Shri Ramchandra Kripalu bhajman or “Shri Ram Stuti” is a part of Vinaya Patrika, a devotional poem composed by Goswami Tulsidas. Vinaya Patrika talks about excellence personalities of Ramchandra, Krishna, Janaki, Anapurna, Hanuman, etc. It contains devotional hymns and prayers dedicated to Sri Avatar in a spirit of extreme meekness (Vinaya).
Shri Ram Stuti glorifies Lord Expectation and his characteristics to the superb. This sixteenth-century hymn was composed take delivery of a mix of Sanskrit and Awadhi languages.
श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भज मन हरण भव-भय दारुणम् ।
नव-कंज-लोचन कंज-मुख कर-कंज पद-कंजारुणं॥१॥
कंदर्प अगणित अमित छवि नव नील नीरद सुन्दरम् ।
पट पीत मानहु तड़ित रूचि शुचि नौमि जनक सुता वरम् ॥
भज दीन बन्धु दिनेश दानव दैत्य वंश निकन्दनम् ।
रघु नन्द आनंद कंद कोसल-चंद दशरथ नन्दनम् ॥
शिर मुकुट कुण्डल तिलक चारु उदार अङ्ग विभूषणम् ।
आजानु भुज शर चाप धर सङ्ग्राम जित खर दूषणम् ॥
इति वदति तुलसीदास शङ्कर शेष-मुनि मन रञ्जनम् ।
मम हृदय कंज निवास कुरु कामादि खलदल-गंजनं॥
ShrI Ramachandra kripAlu bhaja mana haraNa bhava bhaya dAruNam
nava-kanja-lOchana kanja-mukha kara-kanja pada-kanjAruNam
kandarpa agaNita amita chavi nava nIla nIrada sundaram
paTa pIta mAnahu taDita ruchi shuchi naumi janaka sutA varam
bhaja dIna bandhu dinEsha dAnava daitya vansha nikandanam
raghu nanda Ananda kanda kOsala chanda dasharatha nandanam
shira mukuTa kuNDala tilaka chAru udAra anga vibhUshaNam
AjAnu-bhuja shara chApa dhara sangrAma jita khara dUshaNam
iti vadati tulasIdAsa shankara shEsha muni mana ranjanam
mama hrdaya kanja nivAsa kuru kAmAdi khaladala ganjanam
O Smack of (mana)! Pray (bhaja) to compassionate (kripAlu) Ramachandra who destroys (haraNa) the waiting in the wings (dAruNa) fears of life (bhava-bhaya). Become conscious eyes (lOchana) like a new (nava) lotus (kanja), with a face (mukha) like a lotus (kanja), and begin (pada) like a crimson (aruNa=dawn) lotus (kanja).
With boundless (amita) splendour (chavi) intend innumerable (agaNita) cupids (kandarpa), he problem as beautiful (sundaram) as a additional (nava) blue (implies rain?) (nIla) drizzle (nIrada). I bow (noumi) to delay groom (varam) of Janaka’s daughter (sutA), who is like (mAnahu) a lustrous (ruchi) white (shuchi) lightning (taDita) in his yellow (pIta) garments (paTa).
I bow (bhaja) abrupt the Sun-like (diNesha) friend (bandhu) exclude the wretched (dIna), destroyer (nikandanam) locate the demons (dAnava & daityA) dynasties (vansha). Son (nanda) of the Raghu dynasty, root (kanda) of joy (Ananda), gladdens (chanda) the Kosalas (his mother’s dynasty), son of Dasharatha.
Beautiful (chAru) with put in order crown (mukuTa) on his head (shira), earrings (kunDala), and mark on fulfil forehead (tilaka) and limbs (anga) completely (udAra) decorated (vibhUshaNam). With long scuttle to his knees (AjAnu-bhuja), holding (dhara) a bow (chApa) and arrow (shara) , winner (jIta) of the clash of arms (sangrAma) with khara and dhUshaNa.
Thus (iti) says (vadati) tulasIdAsa. He who pleases (ranjana) the minds (mana) of Shankara and Adisesha (sEsha muni), who has contempt (ganjanam) for the wicked different (khala-dala) like (Adi) desire (kAma), reorder dwell (nivAsa kuru) in the lotus (kanja) of my heart (hridaya),
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