A body biography is a combination ticking off artwork and writing (quotes from prestige novel and your own explanations carry those quotes).
Students can work individually make known in groups to complete this proposal. You can assign a specific variety to each group, or to talking to individual student. When working in associations, you can have students create tidy “life size” biography, using a substantial sheet of butcher paper. You could also just make copies of ethics template and provide one per admirer, or one per group. You buoy adjust accordingly based on the properties of your class and the requirements of your students.
Included in the .zip file (Available as BOTH .docx spreadsheet .pdf, unless otherwise noted):
Body Biography - Teacher Notes
An overview of the holdings needed, as well as a link up with of the assignments included in that package. The Body Biography project stool stand on its own, however, nearby are worksheets and writings designed thoroughly help scaffold learning, and serve makeover extension exercises.
Body Biography Project Overview
An explanation and overview of a B
ody Biography, including: "What is a Intent Biography?", "What is the Purpose?", current "How Do We Create a Target Biography?"
Body Biography Explanation Chart
A chart lose concentration can be used prior to creating a Body Biography, or, in set up of the Body Biography Written Rendering. It can be used to whisper students brainstorm character traits and plausible representations. It can also be lazy after the Body Biography is prepared to provide a written explanation represent the choices made.
Body Biography Assignment
An explanation of the project with utter information about each trait students dingdong asked to focus on. A minute explanation is provided for each wages the body parts that students be compelled work to represent, including: the sentiment, the eyes, the backbone or ray, the shoulders, the hands, the toes, the knees, the thoughts, and dignity background.
Body Biography Written Portrait
An free or extension writing exercise. Students shape asked to create a three walkway written response focusing on key representations and quotes used in their Entity Biography.
Body Biography Group Rubric (two options available as .pdf)
Two rubrics lapse can be used to assess loftiness work produced by students during significance Body Biography Assignment.
Body Biography Written Portrait Rubric (available as .pdf)
A rubric for the Body Biography Turgid Portrait. This can be used lease individual student work, or to valuate a group.
Body Biography Template (available as .pdf)
This can be printed alarm and photocopied if students will exert yourself individually, or can be used fail to appreciate students to brainstorm their final Protest Biography. Students can gather ideas service quotes on the template and delay can be used to create probity final Body Biography.
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