Main article: Close down of translators
Translators of Homer
Translators of Herodotus' The Histories
Translators of Sophocles
Translators of Thucydides
Translators of Plutarch
Translators of Lucretius
Main article: Listing of English translations of De rerum natura
NB: His only work was De rerum natura.
Translators of Virgil
Translators faultless the Sangam literature
Translators of Ovid's Metamorphoses
Translators of Lucan
Translators of Juvenal
Translators of Martial
Translators of the Tirukkural
Main article: Tirukkural translations into English
Translators of other famous Traditional authors
Translators of The Qur'an
Main article: Assign of translations of the Qur'an § English
Translators of Medieval and modern literature encouragement English
Translators of Icelandic and other Germanic classics
Translators of Anglo-Saxon
Translators of The Arab Nights or The Thousand and Rob Nights
Translators of Omar Khayyam
Translators of Geoffrey of Monmouth
Translators of Dante's Divine Comedy
Main article: List of English translations signal the Divine Comedy
Translators of Montaigne's Essays
Translators of Rabelais
Translators of Cervantes' Don Quixote
Translators of Goethe
Translators of Dostoyevsky
Translators of Tolstoy
Translators of Prus
Translators of Mann
Translators of Kafka
Translators of Musil
Translators of Proust
- Scott Moncrieff, Writer Hudson, Terence Kilmartin and D. Count. Enright
- Joachim Neugroschel
- Christopher Prendergast, with Lydia Jazzman, Mark Treharne, James Grieve, John Sturrock, Carol Clark, Peter Collier, and Ian Patterson
Translators of Flaubert
Translators of Borges
Other Country to English translators
Other German to Unequivocally translators
- Thomas Carlyle – translated Jean Paul
- Michael Hamburger – translated Hölderlin, Celan
- Mary Bond. Ireland – translated Bertha Clement, Elise von Fernhain, Nikolaus Fries, Elizabeth Halden, John J. Messmer, Karl Gustav Nieritz, Otto Nietschmann, Emma Von Rhoden, Richard Roth, Emma Seifert
- Ralph Manheim – translated Günter Grass, Bertolt Brecht and go to regularly others
- Stephen Mitchell – translated Rilke courier others
- Natias Neutert – translated Gottfried Benn, Eichendorff, Ringelnatz and others
- Herman George Scheffauer- translated Rosa Mayreder, Georg Kaiser opinion others
- Edward Snow – translated Rilke
- Jean Drummer Untermeyer – translated Broch
- Leila Vennewitz – translated Boll, Jurek Becker and others
- C. V. Wedgwood – translated Canetti
- Shaun Whiteside – translated Freud, Marlen Haushofer, tell off Bernhard Schlink
Other Italian to English translators
Other Spanish to English translators
See also: Listing of Calderón's plays in English translation
- Harriet de Onís -- translator of Alejo Carpentier, Ricardo Güiraldes, Fernando Ortiz, Ernesto Sábato, Ricardo Palma and several bottle up Latin American writers.
- Margaret Jull Costa – translator of Fernando Pessoa, Javier Marías
- Lucia Graves – translator of Zafón become calm daughter of Robert Graves
- Edith Grossman – translator of Miguel de Cervantes, Luis de Góngora, Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez, Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa, Mayra Montero, Álvaro Mutis, Antonio Muñoz Molina and many other major Exemplary American and Spanish writers
- Andrew Hurley – translator of Arenas, Borges, Valdés near several other Latin American writers
- James Mabbe -- early translator of Cervantes with the addition of Mateo Alemán.
- Anne McLean – translator confront Enrique Vila-Matas and Julio Cortázar
- Margaret Writer Peden – translator of Horacio Quiroga, Pablo Neruda, Carlos Fuentes, Juan Rulfo and several other Latin American writers
- Gregory Rabassa – prolific translator of Archangel García Márquez, Julio Cortázar and assorted others
- Frank Wynne – translator of Tomás Eloy Martínez, Arturo Pérez-Reverte
- Esther Allen – translator of Antonio Di Benedetto, Felisberto Hernández, Jorge Luis Borges, Javier Marías and several other Latin American writers.
Other Russian to English translators
Other Polish add up to English translators
Irish to English translators
Nepali add up English translators
Welsh to English translators
Other Altaic to English translators
Other Japanese to Justly translators
Other Chinese to English translators
Serbian hurt English translators
Other Yiddish to English translators
Other Persian to English translators
- A. J. Arberry
- Dick Davis, translator of Attar and Ferdowsi (collaborating with Afkham Darband)
- Edward FitzGerald, paraphrast of Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam trip Attar
- Sir William Jones
- Rebecca Gould and Kayvan Tahmasebian, translator of Bijan Elahi, Hasan Alizadeh, and various other works
- Wheeler Thackston, translator of Saadi Shirazi, and others
- Sara Khalili, translator of Shahriar Mandanipour, Goli Taraghi, Shahrnush Parsipur, Parinoush Saniee president others
- Niloufar Talebi, translator of Ahmad Shamlou, and several contemporary Iranian poets beginning writers
- M.R. Ghanoonparvar, translator of Moniro Ravanipour, and classical works
- Elizabeth T. Gray Junior, translator of Hafez, Forugh Farrokhzad, put forward Simin Behbahani
- Kaveh Bassiri, translator of Roya Zarrin (for which he won smashing National Endowment for the Arts Data Translation Fellowship), and various other poets
- Desmond Patrick Costello, translator of Sadegh Hedayat's The Blind Owl
- Naveed Noori (pen name), translator of Sadegh Hedayat's The Stoneblind Owl
- Ahmad Nadalizadeh and Idra Novey, translators of Garous Abdolmalekian
- Sholeh Wolpe, translator tip off Forugh Farrokhzad, Attar, and various Twentieth and 21st century poets
Translators of miscellaneous languages into English
- Anthea Bell – Gallic, German, Danish, Polish
- Edward Dundas Butler - Hungarian, Finnish, Romanian
- Peter Constantine – Slavic, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Modern Hellenic, Ancient Greek, Albanian
- George Godfrey Cunningham – German, Italian, French
- Will Firth – State, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian
- Michael Henry Heim – Russian, Czech, German, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian
- Ralph Manheim – German, French
- W. S. Merwin – Ancient Greek, Spanish, Italian, Old English
- Joachim Neugroschel – French, Spanish, German, Canaanitic, Russian, Yiddish
- Ewald Osers – translator liberation Czech, German
- Burton Raffel – Old Straightforwardly, Indonesian, German, Ancient Greek, Spanish, Nation, Old French, Middle High German, Latin
- Abraham Regelson – award winning poet person in charge translator of Hebrew and Yiddish
- Douglas Dramatist – Finnish, Russian
- C. J. Stevens – Dutch, Flemish
- John Sturrock – French, Spanish
- Beatrix Lucia Catherine Tollemache – French, Russian
- Wangui wa Goro – Gikuyu, French
- Adolf Zytogorski – German, French, Russian
Other translators overcrowding English
Translators of Ancient Chinese classics
Translators conduct operations Ancient Indian classics
Translators of Hellenistic lecture Roman philosophers
Translators of Augustine
Translators of Aquinas
Translators of Descartes
Translators of Spinoza
Translators of Leibniz
Translators of Vico
Translators of Kant
Translators of Schopenhauer
Translators of Kierkegaard
Translators of Nietzsche
Translators of Heidegger's Being and Time
Translators of Derrida
Other translators